Take the first step to creating positive, lasting change by increasing your productivity, concentration, or confidence in our proven workshops.

Join a MindBodyQuest Workshop and you’ll unlock all the skills you need to succeed. You’ll learn how to build your mental and physical wellness. How to integrate self-care into your professional and family life. And how to gain true control and create the positive, lasting change that will benefit you – and your children – for years to come.


Our Productivity Workshop will equip you to better:

  1. Harmonize the mind and body
  2. Cope with pressure and find your inner hero
  3. Recognize emotions and control their effect on the mind and body
  4. Cool the mind and reduce stress through bespoke experience exercises

We’ll help you to be:

  • More adept in negotiation and securing the outcomes you want
  • Better motivated to tackle the challenges you face
  • Able to surpass obstacles and cope with uncertainty
  • Set to create new ways of doing business with both colleagues and partners
  • Ready to recover from self-isolation, feelings of inadequacy, and low productivity


Our Confidence Workshop will equip you to better:

  1. Understand your past patterns of concentration and how they still affect you
  2. Recognize what needs to transform and start making those changes
  3. Employ the tools that can help you change your beliefs, habits, and attitudes
  4. Appreciate the spiritual and physical benefits of plugging into abundance

We’ll help you to be:

  • Capable of handling the differences between home and office working
  • Unfazed by recognizing and navigating challenging brain blocks
  • Ready to change your beliefs, habits, and attitudes as you embrace a new future of work
  • Confident in identifying, applying, and maximizing the five ways of listening
  • Able to shape a new reality that reflects your deepest desires


Our Concentration Workshop will equip you to better:

  1. Understand your past patterns of concentration and how they still affect you
  2. Recognize what needs to transform and start making those changes
  3. Employ the tools that can help you change your beliefs, habits, and attitudes
  4. Appreciate the spiritual and physical benefits of plugging into abundance

We’ll help you to be:

  • Capable of handling the differences between home and office working
  • Unfazed by recognizing and navigating challenging brain blocks
  • Ready to change your beliefs, habits, and attitudes as you embrace a new future of work
  • Confident in identifying, applying, and maximizing the five ways of listening
  • Able to shape a new reality that reflects your deepest desires

Workshop Formats

Maximum number of participants: in person 15; online 12.

Unlock your true potental.

When you awaken your athletic mind, body, and spirit, you meet your most effective self.

We’ll show you how to discover your true potential and harness your previously unknown inner strength for maximum benefit and advantage.

What People Are Saying

MBQ graduates around the world are united in their praise for our unique workshops and proven teaching approach.